Friday 7 September 2007

Green Thumb

The last month or so I have been looking out the windows of my house and feeling a sense of defeat. The garden which has seen no love throughout winter (because I am an absolute wuss when it comes to the cold) is in such dire straights that I don't know where to start. This last week of glorious sunshine has seen me finally tackling the problem and I have been weeding, edging, mowing my arse off and slowly beginning to see a light at the end of the tunnel. I had come to the depressing conclusion that this might be as good as it gets..(crappy soil, no rain, needs mulching, etc) when my next door neighbour emailed me some photos he took of my garden last summer.....

I am now full of enthusiasm and excitement and can't wait to get stuck back into it again. How could you not when there are flowers like these just waiting to to be loved into bloom.

(I now have a totally inflated view of myself as a gardener and think I am pretty shit-hot as a horticulturalist!)

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