Sunday 27 May 2012

The Doorbell

Out of all the decisions we have had to make for the extension, I didn't think the doorbell would be the most difficult.  We decided we wanted a hard wired bell as opposed to a battery or wireless operated system.. We also didn't want a tacky plastic bell like we've been putting up with.  We're sick of batteries running out, not be being able to hear it, and the whole thing falling off the wall.  The problem is that most bells these days do involve batteries so it proved a much more difficult exercise than first thought.  What to go with......

THE BELL -Very tempting but not easily heard at the other end of the house.

THE DOWNTON ABBEY - Fabulous but not very practical.

THE RESTORATION TWIST - This is the doorbell I had growing up so it pulls the heart strings for me.  It also works with the era of the house.  Definitely a possibility although possibly one that is less ornate.

THE STAG - I tried to convince S.B. that this one was the answer, to no avail and although I usually get my way on matters of styling - this one he was adamant about.
I am still hankering after it but as the whole point is to be able to hear it at the back of the house I guess it's not very practical. (Lorelai Gilmore would get this one)

THE HORN - Then there is the down right ridiculous - great for a laugh but perhaps not that practical in the long term.

 But in the end I think this one is the winner -  (available here)


helen tilston said...

A wonderful choice was made. Timeless and classic. It seems it is the details which take time.
Have a great weekend

Tarrysaser said...

Where did you grow up?

Love the final choice.