Sunday 4 March 2012


I had my first weekend off in over a month and was rather looking forward to spending some time with my kids.  I have wanted to do something with the succulents that we brought home from a friend's wedding and decided that a terrarium was in order - what a perfect activity to do with the kids, especially as Saturday rained in Melbourne almost continuously all day.

They had no idea what I was talking about so I showed them a few pictures on the internet and they very quickly got enthused.  Luckily I had bought a couple of cheap glass bowls earlier in anticipation and they were thrilled when they realised they were going to make their own.  
I pretty much left them to it and they had a lovely time deciding what characters to add, fossicking for rocks to add and generally entered in to the spirit as I had hoped.

Moondoggie ended up with a Harry Potter theme - Harry and Dumbledore fighting off a rogue dragon, while Gidget started with fairies but ended up deciding on Party Animals hiding in her rain forest.  You could see their imaginations conjuring up all sorts of stories as they gazed in to their bowls.
Terrarium Activity a big success!


helen tilston said...

I love their imagination and so original.

This exercise will open their eyes to terrariums and design. What a wonderful exercise.

Catherine said...

This is so cool! We might have to try this.

Tarrysaser said...

Briilliant idea. Brilliant result!