I used the excuse that I was popping in to get my next book group book, but I seem to have walked out with everything but!
First up was the sequel to the book I am reading at the moment... I couldn't possibly not buy the sequel now could I?

Then I happened across this Christmas gem.

This is the cutest Christmas book I've seen in a long time and I could not resist - it will go in the magic present box until a little closer to December.
How could I not buy a book with illustrations like this?

As I was leaving a standing with my nose pressed up against the glass to drink in the window display I noticed this...

Now I know there are many bloggers out there who must know this book so my questions is - 'Should my pay check next week go on this?'
This has nothing to do with your question, but as I was reading a familiar name caught my eye on your 'books I'm reading.'
Georgette Heyer. I have all her books. I rarely open them now, but for years when I was growing up I was addicted to them. I've written a paragraph about her on my blog somewhere, but I think she has a lovely turn of phrase and her characters are sometimes hilarious,(especially the minor ones).
Hope you're enjoying them.
Well, apart from the fact that all the craftbloggers will head to the Sun Bookshop for the English version of that book and all the stock will be gone before you get to buy it, no, I don't think you should buy it because I have it. When you come to collect the tees you can borrow it as well.
Oh, and speaking of Georgette Heyer - I can give that book back to you as I've finished it.
Hmm check out Boobook's blog at http://boobooksausagedogs.blogspot.com/2007/11/sock-and-glove-softie-for-mirabel.html (sorry I don't know how to link in a comment!) She seems to have found some pretty good uses for the book :) good luck with it!
I don't know the answer either but just had to say friends of mine used to own that cafe. But they decamped to the island and they are missed.
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