After spending ages looking at Lorettas bookshelves over at Only Books All The Time, I decided to post photos of mine for others who love a good book perve. I have actually managed to clear some space on them as I have been unable to convince Surfer Boy to build me some more.
I've taken the shot in bits as it didn't fit - they actually work right to left with the novels and biographies on the right, classics and young adult in the middle, and assorted stuff on the left. (kind of).
I love a good look at people's bookshelves. Never thought of myself as a shelf-perver though!
Is that a Kylie biography I spy next to Oscar and Lucinda?
i love looking at people's books and people who have that many books ..... like .... myself oh you make me feel so normal trouble is if i borrow a book that i like i have to buy it yes odd i know, cheaper than therapy happy days margie
your bookshelves. I'm so envious. They're beautiful. And well-stocked.
I am obsessed with my bookshelves & my partner actually believes that I would know within 5 seconds of entering our house... if a single book had been moved...
I see some familiar friends on your shelves, but I have to sadly admit that I am not as fortunate as you to own a Dawson's Creek book.
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