Over the last few weeks James has been doing a bit of a reno' on the kids room. Ben needs to move out of his cot and we decided bunks would give them more room. First to go was the chimney and fire place... keeping in mind James had absolutely NO help from me. He'd want you to know that!
Then came the plastering.. wa la... a corner!
Next came my part - hire someone to install built in robes. Let me tell you it was not as easy as it sounds. Many cups of tea were drunk while deciding on the design of cupboards and bunk!James then moved Emma's bed into the cavity and proceeded to turn it into a bunk.
Tonight we're all set to finish the undercoat and hopefully over the next couple of days I'll be able to show you the next stage.

I'm working in the shop tomorrow so to make my day more interesting I've decided to set you a task! I'd like people to ring me at the shop and ask for Lorelai Gilmore! (feel free to then hang up) Anyone who actually comes in and asks for Lorelai Gilmore will get a free bath squirter!!! Please help fulfill my fantasy. 03 9314 8686
Love those bunks, your kids must be so excited.
I can't believe you even found a photo of Lorelai painting!!
Those bunks look amazing. James always makes such impressive creations. When are you two starting your business together? You design, James makes...
Hi Jen,
Can’t believe how fantastic those bunks look……there’s another opportunity for you and james….very clever!!!
Love the quilts too…
I refuse to call you at the shop and call you Lorelei(?) even for a bath squirter.I am afraid you might be seriously a little nutty??!!(joking)
You are suuuuuuuch a loooser!!!! Get your country!! bonking butt out into Empress Ave for a little boot scooting! Then take your husband by the hand and spin him around and shake his widge!!! 10-4-then hit the floor, shake his widge again and he'll ask for more!!!
Why have I discovered your blog so late? I would have driven myself across town to ask for Lorelei Gilmore. She is just so gorgeous. (And as for the Jess v Dean debate, I vote Dean, but only once he started acting manly and tough. Jess is just a weedy pseudo-intellectual).
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