Tuesday 24 April 2012

Double Figures For My Baby Girl

As the heading says, my gorgeous Gidget turns 10 today and I can not for the life of me work out where that time went.  She has blossomed into an amazing person with a dry wit and a killer death stare.  She is kooky and thoughtful, loving and nutty.  She can be silent and moody, or all giggles and sunshine - she is 10!

On the weekend we celebrated with an 'Awards Night' - Gidget's 10th Annual Awards to be exact and we were lucky enough to be able to hold the party at a friend's Music Studio.  The girls channeled their favourite artist, got dressed in their finest and worked the red carpet out the front of the Studio.  

They posed for the Paparazzi and then made their way in to the Green Room (or in this case, Red) to indulge in a little Champagne (non-alcoholic) before making their way into the sound booth to lay down a track! 

You can imagine how thrilled they were, not only to see inside a real music studio, but to be able to record a song as well - words could not express the delight on their faces.  They all lined up in front of the mics, donned the headphones and warmed up for their rendition of Katy Perry's Hot N' Cold.

Craig talked them through the process and generally made them feel like Australia's newest Girl Group - Craig had them do a couple of takes and them we left him to weave his magic and the girls adjourned back to the Green Room for the awarding of the statuettes for the night, followed by a screening of 'She's The Man'

Many lollies were eaten, champagne drunk, and after the mandatory Birthday Cake we got to listen to their recording and each girl received her own copy of their song to take home.

Gidget also spent hours the night before designing a Mix CD for everyone to take home instead of lolly bags - I think she had just as much fun in the lead up  as she did on the day.

I hope she had as much fun as I did - her friends are all delightful and I'm pretty sure the day was a huge success.
Happy birthday Gidget!


Tarrysaser/mama said...

What an absolutely fabulous party! The girls looked terrific.
Loved Gidget's dress. Great colour. Thanks for blog. Good to share the occasion even though on the other side of the world.

Lizeylou said...

So ... where is the song???
and I think I want my next birthday there. Sounds so fun!

Anonymous said...

so jealous I wasn't invited !