Nothing like a little time in the bush to make you appreciate living in Australia - after a couple of weeks on our stunning coast it was nice to experience another aspect of our great outdoors.
After our epic drive up we arrived in the tiny town of Natimuk (somewhere near The Grampians) and settled in for a couple of days with our lovely friend Ronnie. Surfer Boy became 'Climber Boy' and had us scaling cliff faces and generally soaking in the ancient atmosphere of Mt Arapalies.
Lots of food was consumed, many beers were drunk, couches were dragged outside and there was lots of time to sit around the fire while billions of stars wheeled overhead. There was even a mandatory Red Heeler/Dingo called Freckles to keep us company
Day two saw us back in the truck and off to explore 'Little Desert'. I think there may have been some disappointment from Moondoggie who quite naturally assumed that a desert would consist of rolling sand dunes and mirages. Instead he got low scrub and red dirt but a satisfying number of bones!
For three days we did not see one cloud in the sky - we made a point of looking - and I had forgotten just how enormous an Australian sky looks when you can see the horizon in all directions. It's not an easy land but gee it's beautiful.
Gidget wanted me to delete this photo so don't tell her you've seen it - they shared a double bed and every night I would sneak in just to gaze at them, and occasionally call Surfer Boy in to laugh at the positions they'd got themselves in to.
this is one photo that will NEVER be deleted! Sorry Gidg.
That's it for the Natimuk trip - hope your holidays are just a wonderful as ours are proving to be. Have a great New Year. Jen.