Tuesday, 27 April 2010

A House Becomes A Home

I'm going to revisit the very beginnings of Castle Kiely while I'm waiting 'oh so patiently' to move forward.
We bought in 2000 with grand plans of renovating and extending in a year or so!! As you can see it has proved to be a longer process than first anticipated due in part to the arrival of 2 small children.
I didn't fall in love with the house but I thought with a few cosmetic changes I could be on my way. It was never supposed to be our 'forever' house but now we don't want to live anywhere else.
Here is our lovely lady looking in dire need of some TLC on the day we bought her....

Surfer Boy didn't see the house in the flesh, so to speak, until the morning of the auction but luckily after an inspection to check stumps, roof lines and boring stuff like that, he agreed with me that there was heaps of potential to be uncovered.

We tried to squint our eyes at the red brick garage, the ARC pool fence and the red concrete verandah and 'Wallah!!!' A beauty was born. Nothing Surfer Boy couldn't fix! Needless to say after some inspired bidding by yours truly she was all ours and the dream became a reality.

Next up I'll give you a glimpse at the paradise that was the back garden!

Till then..


1 comment:

Kristine said...

I'd like a 2010 shot too please. Not an "After" shot yet I guess, but a "Between" shot.